Saturday, November 23, 2013

New AWESOME Party!

Hey guys!
AJ has a new party called play-as-your-own pet party. I tried it out and it's really cool! Flying pets (bats, owls, and butterflies) can fly up and go to a store up there. But don't worry there's a store on the ground too.

Here's some pics:

                                                                             Main Area

                                                                      Ground Store
                                                                   Items for Ground Store
                              Above Ground Store (don't worry there's steps for those who can't fly.)
                                                                         New Music!
                                                                             Sky Store
Items for Sky Store

Hope you like it! Try it next time you get on if you want.

Monday, November 11, 2013

New Animal!

Hey Jammers!

So if you read the Jamaa Journal, you know theres a new animal coming. Yay! :) If you figured out the puzzel you know what animal it is, if you didn't, well then I'll tell you.


The new animal is......

I'm guessing the deer will get here in December because of the background (winter).

I'm going to get a deer for sure! :D

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Non-member Rights

Non-members derserve the same rights as members, right? I mean the poor people can't even have chat history. Nobody understands what non-members go unless you are a non-member or truley truley care about non-members. Lots of memebers are mean to non-members just because their non-members. How you just like to be taken a nice walk and enjoying the fresh air or browsing at stuff you can't buy and all of a sudden a bully just walks up starts picking on you. Thats what these non-members go though everyday. Now I'm not saying all members are mean, My sis and I are members (but we really care!), but some just think their cool becasue they are members. Think about it this way:
                                           YOUR PAYING FOR TO BE COOL!!!

Take that members that bully.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

First Post

Hi Jammers! This is wolfgirl8777 and I'm starting this tottally awesome blog about Animal Jam. I will keep you up to date on whats happening. 

So far... 
OK, so I follow a blog called Tha Animal Jam Non Member. Its a blog that sticks up for non members, created by pup1266 and partyanimalzz. According to them this month is non-member month, a month to support non-members. So to perticipate, be a non-member animal, non-member clothes, non-member den, and non-member furniture.