Sunday, November 3, 2013

Non-member Rights

Non-members derserve the same rights as members, right? I mean the poor people can't even have chat history. Nobody understands what non-members go unless you are a non-member or truley truley care about non-members. Lots of memebers are mean to non-members just because their non-members. How you just like to be taken a nice walk and enjoying the fresh air or browsing at stuff you can't buy and all of a sudden a bully just walks up starts picking on you. Thats what these non-members go though everyday. Now I'm not saying all members are mean, My sis and I are members (but we really care!), but some just think their cool becasue they are members. Think about it this way:
                                           YOUR PAYING FOR TO BE COOL!!!

Take that members that bully.

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